
Blizzard '06

NYC received a bit of snow over the weekend, blizzard of '06. I've seen worse, back in my day...
Being snowed-in gave me a reason to catch up on scanning; I have a show coming up which includes some older work shot on film. It reminds me of how much I love digital photography!
I really need to deal with my boxes of film, thousands of rolls take up a lot of space. The "long term" plan is to go through all of it, scan select images and send it off to storage. A daunting task, I think I need an intern :)




Go Joe

Happy birthday to Joe! An excellent assistant and damn good photographer, check out his blog here.


still here

Just wrapped up a few shoots for BusinessWeek Magazine, definitely one of my favorite clients. Other than that I have been working on production for an ad shoot for a computer maker, hopefully shooting it next week. Production is not the fun side of photography...


New Orleans


Paris was a blur

Several weeks back I was shooting in France for five days and before returning to the states I decided to take an extra day to visit a friend in Paris. I've taken a lot of pictures in Paris and to make it a bit more interesting I decided to only use the lensbaby on the camera (a cheap lens on plastic tube) and here are a few shots...