Super spectacular hand model Kimbra Hickey taking questions at the Twilight party at Borders in NYC. Can't believe that I shot that cover four years ago, it is still one of my most popular images.

Super spectacular hand model Kimbra Hickey taking questions at the Twilight party at Borders in NYC. Can't believe that I shot that cover four years ago, it is still one of my most popular images.
12:30 AM in midtown Manhattan, CHEERS, SHOUTS, CAR HORNS...
Is it New Years Eve already? No, we just elected out next president. I have never experienced that kind of spontaneous reaction to a presidential election! Congratulations President Elect Obama.
I shot a campaign for Discovery Channel last month for the new season of Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe. Mike is the real deal, the guy on TV is the same guy in real life. This may have been his dirtiest job ever, just look at what we did to the man!
It's official, I'm running for President. Send all contributions in cash please.
Took a little vacation to Bermuda recently, here are some pics.
It's a beautiful place.... if you're into that whole pink sand and turquoise water kinda thing...
The big secret is out, the cover of the latest and last novel in the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer is unveiled. This series of books, each a #1 best seller, have done so well that there will be a movie out this December.
Let's admit it, all of this success is due to one thing, the beautiful covers shot by yours truly. :)
But seriously, out of all of the book covers, ads, magazines, etc. that I have photographed, I get more email about these covers than anything. The fans are seriously awesome.
It's kind of sad that this is the last one, it's been fun.
The Twilight Saga
Just the name alone makes me want to consume more. $4.30 per delicious gallon and rising... still less than a beer in NYC.
Maybe one day cars will run on Schlitz.
Yet another attempt to steal copyrights, period.
Read how this bill would affect artists here.
Click on this URL to take action now
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copy the entire URL and paste it into your Web browser.
From the constitution....
"The Congress shall have Power To...promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;"
We photographed Madam Elvis last weekend in her super snazzy "jungle room". This is the first female Elvis impersonator that I have photographed, in fact she is the only one that I know of. What she lacks in sideburns she makes up for with her voice. Check out her site here.
Here's a shot of me and my assistant Justin chillin with the Madam herself...
I have begun a new project, photographing elvis tribute artists around the country. Here is the first, Bob James under the Manhattan Bridge in Brooklyn. has been dusted of and polished up a bit. OK it's not 100 percent ready, the personal sections need still to be added as well as some images but it's close. Comments are always welcome.
The real identity of the Mona Lisa has been revealed, a group of German academics says. Experts at the Heidelberg University library found notes scribbled in the margins of a book, dated October 1503, that they say confirm what many art historians have long thought to be true: Lisa Gherardini, the wife of the wealthy Florentine merchant Francesco del Giocondo, was the model for Leonardo da Vinci's legendary portrait, Reuters reports.