
Kimbra - shout out

Super spectacular hand model Kimbra Hickey taking questions at the Twilight party at Borders in NYC. Can't believe that I shot that cover four years ago, it is still one of my most popular images.

Borders Books Twilight movie pre-release party

Go Kimbra, you PR machine!


Failing Up

Check out this month's issue of BusinessWeek SmallBiz, I shot the cover story. We traveled the U.S. and Canada photographing entrepreneurs that turned a business failure into a business success... turning lemons into lemonade. That was part of the assignment, work lemons into each shot and have it reflect each individuals story, personality or philosophy. Here are a few of the shots...

Here is my favorite, Josh and Jordan, two dot-commers that ain't scared of no lemons!

Eva, she fought for the life of her company and now her bowl runneth over... literally.

Roy, after a messy split with his former company he formed his own.

Andy, "morn the loss of a job and then move on."


Wassup Americans

12:30 AM in midtown Manhattan, CHEERS, SHOUTS, CAR HORNS...
Is it New Years Eve already? No, we just elected out next president. I have never experienced that kind of spontaneous reaction to a presidential election! Congratulations President Elect Obama.