

So yeah I admit it, I'm one of those jerks on the airplane taking pictures out of the window. Maybe I have annoyed you with the incessant shutter clicking or possibly blinded you by opening the shade during the in-flight movie. I just can't help myself.
I'm putting together a new series of "cloudscapes" and here is the first. I'll have them printed large, maybe 30 x 40.
I wonder if this has been done before...hmmm?..:)


DeU said... / 5/29/2006 1:34 PM  

cool pic....

Anonymous said... / 2/10/2008 10:59 AM  

Hi Roger.

I though I was the only one. I have a DSLR (my 4th digicam) which is too big to carry everywhere, but since I fly every week, I have ordered a small camera to take on board. I spend much of the flight looking out of the window and seen some awesome cloud shapes and colours. I can't wait to get my new camera to start capturing those awesome scenes. Keep doing it. Maybe I'll see you on a flight!