
Happy Valentine's Day

Valenntine's Day, some of us love it, some hate it and the rest look upon it with amused cynicism. As an image maker, it is this dichotomy that interests me and inspired the photograph above.
Personally, I look forward to Valentine's Day every year. Diapered cupids spewing arrows, frilly heart shaped boxes of candy and trinkets of love galore.... a holiday that can pack in so much tacky goodness can't be bad!

more valentine info


Anonymous said... / 2/15/2007 1:37 PM  

just popping in to check out your site.


Anonymous said... / 3/11/2007 10:11 AM  

Hi roger!I'm an italian girl and I knew you by the cover of the book twilight!!!I think that you are a great photographer!!! congratulations!

by Alma

Anonymous said... / 3/22/2007 7:33 PM  

Thanks Alma, speaking of Twilight, I just shot the cover for the ne book in the series call Eclipse. Keep an eye out for it!

Titanium said... / 5/11/2007 8:25 AM  

Hi I am Sugandha, from India, Have been on your site for the past 2 hours, and finally reached ur blog!
The last Blog I see is that of Feb 2007... Phew!
Really Good images. I loved your champagene series, corporate, portraits, clouds, nudes... I can go on! I hope u read this ... my id is sugandha.dubey@gmail.com so please write to me as I will want to know more about your works.
Cheers . 10th May 2007.

Anonymous said... / 3/08/2008 3:57 PM  

Hi. This may sound kinda stupid, but my friend and I got into a heated debate about whether the hands on the cover of Twilight are a girl's or a guy's. I was just wondering if you could let me know which one it was. Thanks!briewerner

Roger Hagadone said... / 3/08/2008 4:06 PM  

Hands of a beautiful woman. :)

Anonymous said... / 8/16/2008 5:28 PM  

Hiya Roger! Thank you for choosing my hands at the very beginning of it all! Super cool to watch Twilight become all the rage. You rock! :)

cait said... / 1/27/2010 8:37 PM  

hey cool pics
i saw it on the twilight books
do have any others similar to those pictures?

Roger Hagadone said... / 1/27/2010 8:44 PM  

Sure, check out the Twilight section in "Projects" on my site, www.rogerhagadone.com.